

Jacek Kuciński
Podręcznik metodyki foresight dla ekspertów projektu Foresight regionalny dla szkół wyższych Warszawy i Mazowsza "Akademickie Mazowsze 2030"

Politechnika Warszawska, Warszawa 2010

Nik Brown, Brian Rappert, Andrew Webster, Cecilia Cabello, Luis Sanz-Menéndez, Femke Merkx, Barend van de Meulen
Foresight jako Narzędzie Zarządzania Wiedzą i Innowacją

Tłumaczenie raportu końcowego projektu FORMAKIN, Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości, Warszawa 2010

Pietro Moncada-Paterno-Castello, Constantin Ciupagea, Keith Smith, Alexander Tuebke, Mike Tubbs
Does Europe Perform Too Little Corporate R&D? A Comparison of EU and Non-EU Corporate R&D Performance

Research Policy, 39, 523-536 (2010)

Can Akdeniz
European Development Policies and the Global Economic Crisis

EDC 2020 project, 7th Framework Programme under the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities theme,  Opinion No 4.,  (2009)

Bodo Ellmers
Fighting the Global Recession’s Storm: Implications for European Development Co-operation

Speech at EADI / EDC 2020 event, Brussels, 27 May 2009

CREST OMC Working Group
Exploring synergies through coordinating policy measures between the EU Member States, Associated Countries and the European Commission

Sonnenburg J, Steinberger M. (eds.), EU Scientific and Technical Research Committee (2009)

Practical Guide to EU Funding Opportunities for Research and Innovation. Competitive European Regions through Research and Innovation

EC Directorate-General for Research 2009

Pareskevas Caracostas
Social Platforms: Identifying Research Agendas for the Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities at EU level

 EC Research Directorate-General (2009)

Vicente Paolo Yu
The Future of Global Economic Governance in the Face of Global Crises – South Perspectives, EADI/EADC2020 2009

EADI / EDC2020, Brussels, 27 May 2009

European research Socio-economic science and Humanities

European Communities, ISBN 978-92-79-09798-0, (2009)