

Rene von Schomberg, Angela Guimaraes Pereira, Silvio Funtowicz
Deliberating Foresight Knowledge for Policy and Foresight Knowledge Assessment

European Communities, 2005, ISBN 92-79-00678-9

Florian Gh. Filip, Horatiu Dragomirescu, Rolanda Predescu, Romeo Ilie
Vision-Building for the Knowledge Society – the Experience with a Romanian Foresight Exercises, FISTERA 2004

The Publishing House of The Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 2005

Andrzej M.J. Skulimowski
Durch m-Health bedingte Herausforderungen für das medizinische Entscheidungssystem

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Andrzej M.J. Skulimowski
Los retos que plantea la sanidad móvil en cuanto al sistema de toma de decisiones médicas

The IPTS Report, 81 February, JRC - Sevilla, (2004)

Andrzej M.J. Skulimowski
Les défis que pose la m-santé au systeme de prise de décision médicale

The IPTS Report, 81 February, JRC - Sevilla, (2004)

Andrzej M.J. Skulimowski
The Challenges to the Medical Decision Making System posed by mHealth

The IPTS Report, 81 February, JRC - Sevilla, (2004)

Harold Linstone, Murray Turoff
The Delphi Method - Techniques and Applications

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The Role of foresight in the Selection of Research Policy Priorities

Conference Proceedings, IPTS-JRC, Seville,Spain (2002)

A Practical Guide to Regional Foresight

IPTS-JRC, Seville,Spain (2001)

Theodore Jay Gordon
Trend Impact Analysis

The Millennium Project, Futures Research Methodology (1994)