
News archive

A new book containing the outcomes of the Delphi survey on advanced ICT performed within the ERDF financed foresight project "Scenarios and Development trends of selected IST until 2025"

A new book containing the outcomes of the Delphi survey on advanced ICT performed within the ERDF financed foresight project "Scenarios and Development trends of selected IST until 2025"

Soon will be published “Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems"

Preparations are underway for release of the publication “Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems. Selected papers from KICSS’2014 – 9th International Conference, held in Limassol, Cyprus, on November 6-8, 2014”

Proceedings from the 9th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS'2014) to download from the website of the Conference

KICSS'2014 "9th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems

The 8th International Conference on Knowledge Information and Creativity Support Systems KICSS 2013

The 8th International Conference on Knowledge Information and Creativity Support Systems KICSS 2013

Materials from the Final Conference of the research project "Scenarios and development trends of the selected information society technologies until 2025”

Materials from the Final Conference of the research project "Scenarios and development trends of the selected information society technologies until 2025” have been provided on the website

The Final Conference of the project “Scenarios and Development trends of the selected information society technologies until 2025”

The Final Conference of the project “Scenarios and Development trends of the selected information society technologies until 2025” which took place on March 14th 2013 in Kraków was the summary of the foresight project  implemented by the Progress & Business Foundation