
News archive

Conference “Net Futures 2016: Driving Growth in the #DigitalSingleMarket”, 20-21 April 2016, Brussels

NET FUTURES wishes to maximize competitiveness of the European technology industry. The conference will gather over 1.000 attendees, to form an interconnected community involving companies, organizations and people ...

“ICT-Enabled Social Innovation in Support to the Implementation of the EU Social Investment Package”

4th IESI Experts Workshop on “ICT-Enabled Social Innovation in Support to the Implementation of the EU Social Investment Package”, 7th-8th April 2016, Spain

The MOTSP 2016 Conference

Technology Foresight will be one of the topic of “The International Conference Management of Technology – Step to Sustainable Production (MOTSP 2016)”, which will take place from 01–03 June, 2016 in Porec/Parenzo, Istria, Croatia

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Vol.364 - KICSS'2013 Post-Proceedings finally available from Springer

The publcation "Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems: Recent Trends, Advances and Solutions" contains selected papers of the KICSS’2013 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge, Information, and Creativity Support Systems, November 7-9, 2013, Kraków, Poland

Foresight. A global infrastructure perspective. 10 emerging trends in 2016. Trends that will change the world of infrastructure over the next 5 years.

The special edition of KPMG Foresight magazine: Foresight. A global infrastructure perspective.

10 emerging trends in 2016. Trends that will change the world of infrastructure over the next 5 years.

An opportunity to submit papers on foresight and forecasting methods and their applications

All those interested in foresight and forecasting are invited to submit a paper to the special section on "Technological foresight and socio-economic evolution modelling"

Global Threats as Barriers to Development

Forecast Committee "Polska 2000 Plus" of the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences issued another publication "Global Threats as Barriers to Development " by Prof. Prof. Jerzy Klee, and Michal Kleiber. Publisher: Polish Academy of Sciences "Poland 2000 Plus" Foresight Committee, Warsaw 2015, ISBN 978-83-8017-065-0, pp. 144

KICSS'2015 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems

KICSS'2015 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, November 12-14, 2015, Phuket, Thailand