
News archive

The 5th International Conference on Internet of Vehicles IOV 2018, Paris, France, November 19 - 22, 2018 [update]

IOV 2018 will establish an international forum for engineers and scientists to present their excellent ideas, latest innovations and experiences on Internet of Vehicles.

FTA2018 - Future oriented- technology analysis- conference 2018 "Future in the making"

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission is launching a call for contributions for the 6th edition of the FTA - Future oriented- technology analysis- conference 2018 'Future in the making', that will be held on 4 and 5 June 2018 in Brussels.

2018 International AI Safety Grants Competition

The focus of this request for proposals (RFP) is on technical research or other projects enabling development of Arifical Intelligence (AI) that is beneficial to society and robust in the sense that the benefits have some guarantees: our AI systems must do what we want them to do.

The Tenth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management eKNOW2018, March 25 - 29, 2018, Rome, Italy

Capturing, representing, and manipulating knowledge has been a fascinating and extremely useful challenge from both theoretical and practical perspective since the beginning of our civilisation. Using validated knowledge for information and process management, and for decision support mechanisms raises a series of questions the eKNOW 2018 conference is aimed at.

We are very pleased to inform you that Prof. Jerzy Klamka received the Prime Minister's Award for outstanding research achievements

Professor Jerzy Klamka, one of the six Polish professors, received the Prime Minister's Award for outstanding academic achievements, among others. using foresight methods.

Conference: „Research & Innovation – shaping our future”, 3rd of July 2017, Brussel

The conference is supposed to influence the further development of research and innovation as an investment in Europe's future.

Final IESI Conference on 'ICT-Enabled Social Innovation to support the implementation of the EU Social Investment Package', Brussels, Belgium, 14-15 March 2017

The objectives of the Final IESI Conference are to present, discuss and validate the results of the IESI research project and in particular: 1) the findings of the IESI Consolidated Mapping and thematic analyses; and 2) the proposed theoretical and methodological approach underpinning the framework to assess the social and economic impacts of ICT-enabled social innovation initiatives promoting social investment (i-FRAME2.0).

The Playbook for Strategic Foresight & Innovation - accessible and comprehensible introduction to the subject of foresight and its applications in enterprises

A comprehensible introduction to foresight and its applications in enterprises to download for free from the website of the Stanford's Center for Design Research (CDR)