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The Eleventh International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management eKNOW 2019, February 24 - 28, 2019, Athens, Greece

Researching the future can make use of the full capabilities of the present-day information technology. The related inforamtion systems are ofeten termed Foresight Support Systems. The variety of the information systems, their applications, and the heterogeneous nature of information and knowledge representation require special technologies to capture, manage, store, preserve, interpret and deliver the content and digital documents. Progress in cognitive science, knowledge acquisition, representation, and processing helped to deal with imprecise, uncertain or incomplete information. Management of geographical and temporal information becomes a challenge, in terms of volume, speed, semantic, decision, and delivery.

Information technologies allow optimization in searching an interpreting data, yet special constraints imposed by the digital society require on-demand, ethics, and legal aspects, as well as user privacy and safety. Nowadays, there is notable progress in designing and deploying information and organizational management systems, experts systems, tutoring systems, decision support systems, Foresight Support Systems, and in general, industrial systems.

eKNOW 2019 conference tracks cover the above issues, in particular:

  • Knowledge fundamentals
  • Trends on annotation and extraction
  • Trends on news and social media
  • Trends on knowledge processing support and mechanisms
  • Knowledge identification and discovery
  • Knowledge management systems
  • Knowledge management (KM) and event processing (EP)
  • Knowledge semantics processing and ontology
  • Technological foresight and socio-economic evolution modelling
  • Process analysis and modeling
  • Process management
  • Information management
  • Decision support systems


Submission: Oct 27, 2018
Notification: Dec 13, 2018
Registration: Dec 27, 2018
Camera ready: Jan 10, 2019

Instruction for the authors, contribution types and more information can be found at the conference website: