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“European Vision for AI” e-event for the General Public about the Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence in Europe organized by Europan Researchers

The European scientific community will share with the general public their actions towards moving European Artificial Intelligence (AI) forward, to future success in a growing competition environment with countries such as the US or China, in the “European Vision for AI'' event. The online discussions are scheduled for Thursday 22 April 2021, 11:00-13:00 CEST and organized by the VISION project partners in cooperation with four networks of AI centers of excellence (AI4Media, ELISE, TAILOR, Humane-AI-Net). These networks were launched within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Program in September 2020 and are bringing together scientists across Europe.

In the event, European citizens with an interest in AI will gain an overview of Europe's position in the field of AI and how this impacts Europe's economy and society. The "European approach to AI" that is currently being promoted brings together excellence and trust, with the goal of creating a world-leading ecosystem committed to the "AI for Good" and "AI for All" concepts. Since this event is coordinated with, and closely linked to, the official announcement on new regulations and further investment in AI, scheduled by the European Commission in this week, the event will represent one of the first opportunities for public discussion on these new plans at the European level.

Starting at 11am CEST, the event will be fully online, streamed at for free and with no prior registration. The program will be conducted in English. The public will be able to enter discussions via chat. Participants will also get the opportunity to choose from three parallel sessions focusing on society, industry and skills & training, depending on their particular interests.