FTA2018 - Future oriented- technology analysis- conference 2018 "Future in the making"
FTA2018 "Future in the making" is an international conference bringing together practitioners, academics, and policy makers who are interested in a more effective way to ensure long-term policy. The conference is addressing future-oriented technology analysis, i.e. (strategic) foresight, forecasting and technology assessment. The FTA2018 conference also deals with areas complementing policy support, especially those that introduce innovation in the process of policy development and implementation: design for policy, behavioural insights, science and technology studies, and complexity approaches.
FTA2018 will continue to expand the international network of foresight academics, scientists and practitioners in business, civil society organizations and governments, and it also aims at broadening its scope through interacting and cross-fertilising with other complementary, disciplines.
The conference will focus on a set of horizontal themes: People & Power, Policymaking & Practice and Perceptions & Potentials.
Registration for the conference will start on March 1, 2018.
Abstracts of individual presentations, practical sessions and posters can be submitted by Sunday 4 March 2018 (midnight) via this website: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/FTA2018contribution.
More information on on conference can be found at: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/fta2018.
Conference organizers encourage participation of practitioners from the world of science, business, politics and civil society organizations.